Yes. You’ll find several baggage stations both inside and outside Forest City High School. You will be given a clear plastic bag for your extra clothes, etc… Your bib number will be written on the bag. UPS trucks will transport all bags to the finish line. When you cross the finish line, walk (if you can) to baggage pick up on Courthouse Square and show a volunteer your race number. The volunteer will hand you your bag. Please don’t place anything of great value or anything that’s breakable in your bag.
IMPORTANT: Due to the Boston Marathon tragedy, the Steamtown Marathon race committee has banned knapsacks, gym bags, duffle bags, drawstring bags and any and all similar non-transparent bags and sacks on the event buses, at the starting line and at the finish line. Please leave such bags at home. Clear bags will be available at the race expo and at the baggage stations at the starting line.